
Friday, July 15, 2011

Question: Best Movie Theater Snack

In preparation for Sunday's afternoon viewing of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part II, I'm envisioning the indecisive moments ticking away in front of the snack counter trying to pick the perfect accompaniment.

What's your favorite?


  1. For me, it's pretty close between Twizzlers and Milk Duds. While Twizzlers can make an appearance on other occassions (such as long car rides & any plane trip) Milk Duds are purely a movie theater candy. And, they double as ammunition for any loud talkers in the near vicinity.

    Of course, all this needs to be accompanied by the largest soda possible...just to test the bladder during the movie.

    Can't wait for Harry Potter!

  2. I go with the standard popcorn (no butter) and a big box of Junior Mints. Sometimes I will sneak in a water but if not, will go with an icy coke. Enjoy Harry Potter - I'm looking forward to it too!

  3. Ah...the large soda...I've bested it many times. But during Titanic, it got the best of me! I'm thinking Junior Mints are pretty great theater fare but popcorn is a necessity. Need that salty happiness and greasy fingers to feel like you're in a real theater.

  4. Between the popcorn, Milk Duds, Skittles, Pretzel M&Ms...I'm going to have to say, it's possible the Milk Dud is the perfect movie snack but I'm going to put Skittles high on the list. Better than popcorn. And kudos to the Manville Cineplex for having Coke Zero on tap!!
